Things Are Looking Up
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 3:23 PM
Computer Related
I’m excited to say that the Shoehorn Handle Project video has been successfully been recreated. In fact I created two videos. Just like the workbench casters I decided to create one video with mostly music in the background and another one with detailed how to instructions. I thought this project is such a great one for beginning turners that a video fully explaining the process would be helpful to some woodworkers. It will be interesting to see the results.
Fortunately I had saved all the video clips from turning the shoehorn handle on an external hard drive. I used those files to recreate the video and worked mainly off that hard drive instead of the computer’s internal hard drive. It worked out well.
My next big step to solve my storage issue will be to move all my photo files to an external hard drive and use those files when I work with the photos. I saw a couple of YouTube videos showing how to do this. I’ve been watching a lot of videos on getting my computer problems solved. That’s part of the reason I haven’t had much shop time.
Another step in this process will be transferring a lot of my documents to an external hard drive as well. Since my documents were created by several different programs or apps this process will be much more complicated but it’s something that needs to be done.
Obviously you can see where some of my time will be going in the next few weeks. This process though is very necessary.
Woodworking Related
I hope you enjoy one or both of the videos on the shoehorn handle. This turning project, as I mentioned above, is an excellent one for beginners. It’s very easy and I’ve actually found the resulting shoehorn to be very handy. I’m glad that I decided to do it first before tackling the Christmas presents turning project. It gave ne a chance to warm up my skills from last year and I was able to try out my new spindle gouge. Oh, and check out the shirt above. It is featured in the video.
Starting next week I should be out in the shop quite a bit. If the weather forecasters are correct the temperatures will be in the mid to upper 70s feranhceight about 23 - 27 degrees for the rest of the world. That means that my shop will be comfortable, especially in the mornings. I’ve also scheduled time to be out there every day except Tuesday. Pam and I will be at Disneyland on Tuesday. I do have my priorities in life.
Today I got an interesting email. A company has offered me a wood product to turn if I produce a video on it being turned. I must say this was quite shocking because, as you all know, my YouTube numbers are quite small when compared to many others. I won’t say more about this until after the product comes and I have time for the project but I am excited about toe possibilities. No, I’m not planning on becoming a salesman for products on my channel. I’m still planing to be that guy who works out of his garage when he has time and buys his own tools. I’m mostly excited because of the exposure that this offer may provide for the channel when they link to my video.
That’s it for now. Enjoy your woodworking.