It's Great to be Back
Saturday, April 20, 2019 4:32 PM
I’m sure most of you never missed me and didn’t realize that I was gone. Actually I didn’t go anywhere but I lost access to the Internet and all of you. For all my computer work I use an iMac on my office desk. Early in the week I decided to upgrade the operating system to macOS Mojave. Suddenly the computer wouldn’t connect to the Internet and it was running extremely slowly. I tried every trick that I could find online, searching with my iPad, to revive the computer to no avail. It seemed to be doomed.
Like many of you buying a new computer would have meant a big sacrifice. Just the conversation with Pam about the possibility was very difficult to do. Right now the only way that would have happened, due to dentist and vet bills, would have been to give up the funds that Pam has been saving for the mini-split heating/AC unit for the shop. I already delved into it to buy my Canon camera but a new iMac would have drained that fund dry and maybe more.
Fortunately Apple has greatly improved their technical support. It’s about time considering the premium we pay for their electronics. Yesterday I was able to speak for quite some time, at least an hour, to a very nice and knowledgable young lady - remember at 72 almost all ladies are young. She stepped me through several possible solutions to my issue until we finally got results. My computer was actaully alive and well. Somehow the upload of the new operating system was at fault and with some magical keystrokes that we had to try several times, as can be seen by this blog and the video I published today, I’m back.
If you have any Apple productcts I’m here to tell you that at least one of their technical support staff knows her stuff and has great patience. She was willing to stick with me until a solution was found and worked. I owe her a lot.
So now I need to get back into the shop on Monday and try to make up for at least two days of lost time spent trying to revive my computer. Perhaps if I had called Apple support earlier I wouldn’t have lost quite as much time but because I spent quite a bit of time trying before I called she was able to rule out many different possibilities. That meant she was able to more quickly come up with one that would work. I must say it’s good to be back. I’ll give you all a video update on shop progress before the end of the month. Yes, I’ve made some progress on the workbench this week too.