I'm Back in the Shop

Tuesday, February 9, 2021 12:02 PM

Things are Starting to Improve

Well, I’ve had my first COVID-19 vaccination and will be able to venture out more after the scond one. It’s been difficult for me to be cooped up in the house but I would have been anyway.

As I mentioned i my January 2021 Shop Update I’ve been spending a wide majority of my time “puppy sitting” with the newest addition to our basset hound pack, Emmy. We brought her home from the San Diego Airport on October 30, 2020. It’s been a lot of fun so I’m not complaining just letting you all know why I haven’t been out inthe shop much in the past few months. 

My shop time has started to increase. I need to get back to my lathe cabinet build and finish that. Unfortunately, as things happen, I have another project to do before I can get it done. A good friend who’s a ceramicist has made two tiles in honor of our two bassets, Miller and Sassy that we lost last year. She, along with many others, loved Miller. He seemed to have a look and way about him that people loved. She also thought that sassy was a very special girl. Our friend gave me the option for her to make tile frames arounf the tiles or have me make frames out of wood. I chose the latter. Since the frames are special gifts for Pam I need to get them done as soon as I can. She’s also been very involved in the design of the frames and the wood choice. The frame for miller wil, be a Stickley inspired design made fron quarter sawn white oak and Sassy’s frame will be made from cherry in a Greene & Greene inspired design. I’m sort of treating Pam like I would a client. She’ll be part of the whole process. So instead of saying a whole lot more I need to get out in the shop and start processing some wood for these frames.