I do not plan to duplicate the section on our other website on this one. To find out more about out PT Cruiser, its details, inspiration behind it and some of the events we've entered please go HERE. This link will take you to our Woebgon Bassets website and specifically to the first PT Cruiser page. You can use the main menu under PT Cruiser to find the other pages.

I'm sure that in some of the photos including the header that you noticed our PT Cruiser. This is our "fun ride" that we use to cruise around Southern California and go out to dinner. At one time it was even entered in a lot of shows and taken on PT Cruiser cruises. While occasionally we'll take it out to cruise with other PT Cruisers it's been retired from most of that kind of activity. Pam and I use it for fun.

The photos below are some of the many I have of our Cruiser. For more information including the inspiration behind my custom design ideas go to our other website. Here is the LINK.

One or my other passions.